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Course support

The library team are here to support the running of your course. We can provide material, including purchasing new items, source items from other libraries, and digitalise articles and chapters to be shared on the VLE.

Reading lists

The Library team can help you put together a structured reading list that will give your students guidance on the key texts for their course.

Your subject librarian can support you with the creation of your reading list, including the purchase of new material where needed.

When submitting your reading list please ensure it is in Harvard referencing style. The library provides a template for your reading list.

Items required for the Autumn term need be requested by the end of July to ensure they arrive in time for the start of teaching.

Your reading list does not need to be limited to text based resources.

Alternative sources of information

Further information and template

We suggest you structure your list in the following format:

Up to 5 items, which may be books, book chapters, journal articles, webpages etc. which you expect all participants on the unit to read fully. Not all units/projects may need a ‘required’ section.

Up to 12 entries that contain relevant chapters or sections which unit participants could use for their own independent study.

This section may contain a variety of other materials identified as useful for students to search and browse as part of their independent research activities. It may therefore include:

  • A list of journal titles (use of the word ‘periodical’ is inconsistent with how these are referred to on the library catalogue, so the term ‘journal’ is preferred).
  • A list of relevant websites, blogs, etc.
  • Online resources and databases
  • Archives and Special Collections
  • Other appropriate resources e.g. exhibitions

What format should I send it in?

A simple list of titles in a Word document is fine, don’t forget to put it in Harvard format, it makes it easier for us to see exactly which edition / resource you need.

We offer a reading list template for ease of submission

Librarian contact details

Lindsey Crush: (full-time) Acting, Animation, FMIP, Fine Art, Games Art and Design, Games Development, Photography

Lauren Elmore: (full-time) Year 0, MA

Kirsten Pairpoint: (Weds am, Thurs, Friday) Graphics (all courses), Illustration, PhD support

Beccy Western: (Monday, Tuesday, Weds am) Architecture, FCP, FMP, Fashion, Interior Design, Textile Design

Good practice for your reading list

  • Use Harvard referencing (Cite Them Right version 9 or later). Guidance on this is available from the Library website.
    If a book is available as an e-book, include the e-book link in your reference.
  • If we have access to a journal or article online, include the URL.
  • If you are signposting students to a website, be clear on which section or aspect of the site is of interest/importance.
  • If you want to include a chapter or particular article of a journal for students to access you may do this – please speak to your Librarian.
  • Remember to signpost students to online resources where appropriate, e.g. WGSN or For units involving research, it might be appropriate to signpost students to our journal databases, ‘Art Full Text’ and ‘Art, Design and Architecture’.


The library can digitise sections of print books or journals to be used for teaching purposes. 

Under copyright law, we can digitise up to 10%, one chapter, or one article from a book or journal. For more information on copyright restrictions please see below. 

We ask you make your digitisation requests 4 weeks before the material is needed for teaching. If you require a scan to be ready for the beginning of the new academic year, we ask you let us know prior to the summer vacation (July).

Please note we cannot digitise items received by interlibrary loan.

Interlibrary loans

If the Library doesn’t have the book or journal article that you need and we cannot purchase it, we can often borrow it from another library (e.g. the British Library) on your behalf.

This service is free of charge to all Norwich University students and staff, although there is a cost to the Library for borrowing and renewing ILLs.

If you want to request an item please use our item request form. Our first option will be purchasing the item for the library. If this is not possible we will request it via the interlibrary loans system. We will get back to you as quickly as possible to let you know how we will fulfil your request. If we are going to provide you with access to the item by inter-library loan we will let you know.

Frequently asked questions relating to interlibrary loans are below. 

How long does it take to receive an ILL?

We aim to fulfil ILL requests within 7 days, but some may take longer so please bear this in mind. (Some items take a lot of hunting down, and we also have to allow time for postage).

We will email your university email account as soon as your item is ready to collect.

Where do I collect my ILL from?

Please collect your ILL from the white Reservations bookshelf on the ground floor. Journal articles are printed off for you, we just need you to sign a copyright declaration form before handing you the article, which you can then keep.

Books are a little more complicated, please see below.

How long will I be able to borrow the book?

Most ILL books are loaned for approx. 3 to 4 weeks, but we cannot guarantee this as the return date is set by the institution we have borrowed from.

The loan period starts from the day we receive the item so please collect it as soon as possible – we will email your university email account once it is ready to collect.

ILLs have strict return dates, if a book becomes overdue we can lose the right to borrow from that particular library, so please be prompt with returns.

Can I renew an ILL book?

This will be up to the institution that we have borrowed the book from, so please give us plenty of notice to ask for permission on your behalf. We cannot renew the book without their permission.

Can I digitise a chapter from an ILL book?

No, we can only digitise items the library owns. If you want an item for teaching purposes, please let us know and we will do our best to source and purchase the item.


For guidance on managing copyright within your teaching, please see the Copyright Guidance for Teaching page on the intranet or contact the library –

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