NB this service is only available to current students and staff.
Terms and Conditions (required)
I hereby request you to supply me with a copy of the item specified, which I require for the purpose of non-commercial research or private study.
I declare that:
I have not previously been supplied with a copy of the same material by you or by any other librarian.
I will only use the book/article for research for a non-commercial purpose or private study, and will not supply a copy of it to any other person.
To the best of my knowledge, no other person with whom I work or study has made, or intends to make at about the same time as this request, a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purposes.
If this item was delivered by an electronic method (which includes facsimile transmission), I will retain only a single paper copy and destroy any electronic copies after printing.
I understand that if this declaration is false in a material particular, the copy supplied to me by you will be infringing copyright and that I shall be liable for infringement of copyright as if I've made the copy myself (if your research may be income generating, please contact the library as it may include an extra copyright fee).
If I receive a book from another library (an interlibrary loan) I understand I may be responsible for the replacement cost should that book be lost or damaged.
By ticking the below box I am agreeing to the above terms and conditions.