Printing, copying, scanning
Printing and copying
There is a colour printer / photocopier / scanner on the first floor of Duke Street, in the far corner near the window.
You will need money in your Papercut account in order to retrieve your printing or to make photocopies.
If you need any help sending work to the printer, or retrieving printing, please just ask at the helpdesk.
You can find lots of information about printing, including instructions on how to photocopy, topping up your Papercut account, and current prices, on the VLE: printing support.
Scanning is free of charge, you just need your student / staff ID card. You can opt to have the scans sent straight to your university email address.
Please remember when you are photocopying library material that you are copying someone else’s work. There are copyright notices beside the printers which explain what you can and cannot copy, and all copying should be done for your own personal study only.
If you are a lecturer copying for teaching reasons please see “Copying and scanning for teaching” section at the bottom of this page.
Copying and scanning for teaching
Please do not scan items for teaching yourself. The library can scan chapters on behalf of course teams for uploading to the VLE. Please complete this form if you wish to make use of this service.
Under the University’s Higher Education Copyright licence we can scan 10%, one chapter, or one article from a book or journal, which can be uploaded onto the VLE. Members of the University are not licensed to scan or copy more of a book or journal than stated above. Scanning or copying a greater amount of a book or journal is an infringement of copyright law.
For more details about Copyright Guidance for Teaching, see the Intranet.