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MA Creative Education

Meet your Librarian – Lauren Elmore

An image of Lauren Elmore

About Lauren

Lauren Elmore is the Subject Librarian responsible for Integrated Foundation and taught postgraduate courses. She studied English at University of Leicester and has a MA in Library and Information Management from Loughborough University.

How can I help you?

You can book one to one tutorials with me to help you with your research or referencing, please contact me via email or you can drop into the library office (DS103) to have a chat!

I work Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm.

As a team, we also provide research and referencing drop-in sessions to assist you in the run-up to written work hand-ins, keep an eye on Instagram (@norwichuni_library) for times and dates.

Online Resources

As well as printed materials, the Library also has a wide selection of online resources to help you with your research.

Useful resources for MA Creative Education

Resource Type



Off-campus On-campus

eBook Central

Search our huge database of titles covering a wide variety of topics. All titles are available so you can start reading straight away. A great source for research and learning more about historical and cultural contexts. You can read e-books online, or you can download them to Adobe Digital Editions (PC/Mac) or Bluefire (iOS/Android).

Information on how to download from eBook Central (opens in a new window)

Access Resource

Resource Type

Maps and Images


Free Online


Portal to 50 million artworks, artefacts, books, videos and sounds from several major European art and music collections.

Access Resource

Resource Type



Off-campus On-campus

Ingenta Connect

Ingenta Connect is a hosting platform for a large number of academic journal titles. Search here for articles related to Visual Arts, Art Education, Film, Fashion and Communication. If the full text of the article you want is unavailable to download, please request it using the Item Request form.

Access Resource

Resource Type



Off-campus On-campus

JSTOR: Arts and Sciences III

JSTOR is a hosting service which archives journals from across all disciplines. We have access to the Arts and Sciences III collection in full text which contains a large number of titles relating to Art, Architecture and Art History. For all other journals you find in JSTOR you will only be able to read the abstract, but if you want the full text you can request it using the Item Request form.

A video guide on how to search JSTOR (this link opens in a new window) is available on their webpages.

Access Resource

Resource Type



Off-campus On-campus


You can find eBooks specifically bought for Norwich Uni students on VLeBooks.

Information on how to download VLeBooks (opens in a new window).

Access Resource
View more Online Resources (this link opens in a new window)


Publications, also known as magazines, journals or periodicals, are regularly published with up to date articles, images, and editorials. These can be available in print and online.

Useful publications for MA Creative Education

Resource Type



Off-campus On-campus

Where to access:




Art Design and Communication in Higher Education

This peer reviewed journal aims to inform, stimulate and promote the development of research in the field by providing a forum for debate arising from findings, as well as theory and methodologies.

Access Resource

Resource Type


Free Online

Where to access:



Open Access

Higher Education Research & Development

Higher Education Research & Development publishes scholarly articles on the theory and practice of higher education and educational development.

Access Resource

Resource Type



Free Online

Where to access:



Open Access

Studies in Higher Education

Studies in Higher Education publishes international research on higher education issues including institutional management and performance, teaching and learning.

Access Resource

Resource Type


Free Online

Where to access:



Open Access

Teaching in Higher Education

Critical and theorised research in higher education teaching practice and policy for an international audience, spanning pedagogy, curriculum and assessment.

Access Resource
View more Publications (this link opens in a new window)
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