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Home SpLD/Dyslexia Support How do I get support? Delivering Inclusive teaching

Delivering Inclusive teaching

Tips for Inclusive Teaching

Discover the best practices to make your lectures more inclusive. These tips will help you create a learning environment where every student feels valued and supported.

Upload all session content to the VLE ahead of the teaching event.

There is no evidence to suggest providing content in advance reduced attendance. By providing material in advance you give learners a chance to digest it in their own way, including transferring it to alternative formats, and they can then engage in the teaching event more effectively. Providing information in advance also presents you with a wider range of teaching opportunities – enabling you to flip the classroom for example, or get students to discuss their pre-reading in groups.

Who’s in your class?

Ensure you are familiar with the students you are teaching and check their declared disabilities and requirements.

Follow basic accessibility guidelines for documents/materials

Use these points to help with documents and materials:

  • Allow/facilitate recording of your teaching – unless there are copyright/data restrictions be open in allowing students to record you teaching. It can be hard for individual students to come and ask for permission. Why not make it clear on your first presentation slide that students are welcome to use recording devices?
  • Keep reading lists direct and focused – Ensure reading lists are up to date. Direct students to individual chapters or articles, and refer to ebooks/ejournals where possible.

Mix up groups

Try allocating students to groups rather than allowing them to choose their own. This can lead to a more diverse learning

Think about the learning environment

Create a multi-sensory learning environment, to encourage learning and aid retention, by using video clips, pictures, diagrams, practical and experiential activities, etc.environment.

What is the goal of your feedback?

Adopt inclusive marking and feedback approaches.


Speak to your students about your teaching methods, and how you might better involve them in their learning; peer observe; share practice across the team.