Teaching Support
Self guided workshops
The library team have created a suite of online self guided workshops to help students build the relevant information literacy skills to complement their studies. These workshops are a mix of short videos, infographics, and interactive elements that should take no more than 45 minutes to work through.
Students will be timetabled to complete the relevant workshop but they are able to access them whenever they wish and work through them at their own pace. Students are also able to revisit part or all of the workshops.
 Finding reliable sources – Integrated Foundation
This workshop covers different types of material and resources available to students and how to evaluate them. It demonstrates how to use Discovery, the library catalogue and introduces students to other sources of support, such as the librarians.
Research for inspiration – Year 1
This module will demonstrate how students can use material in the library to inspire their work, how to get the most out of the resources, and how they can improve their search skills.
Introduction to referencing – Year 1
This workshop will tell students when they need to reference in their work and show them how to do it, using a wide range of examples.
Finding different research sources – Year 2
This session will remind students how to research, highlight a range of different research sources. It will give them the tools to enhance their research skills and remind them of other avenues of support within the university.
Referencing for report writing – Year 2
This tutorial builds on the year 1 referencing tutorial, introducing students to secondary referencing, and how to summarise and paraphrase.
This workshop helps students build keywords, introduces new search techniques, and shows students how to recognise reliable and unreliable sources.
This module demonstrates how to use in-text citations, image captioning, secondary referencing, alongside refreshing basic referencing skills and reference management software.
The library also has a suite of toolkits. These are videos of two minutes or less and infographics that cover topics of effective searching, accessing and using databases, and referencing material.
A full list of general online tutorials are available on the library website.
In person tutorials
The librarians can provide in person (or live online tutorials) of all of the above plus bespoke sessions including:
- Zine creation
- Using special collections
- Exploring the material
- Using journals
We also offer one to one support. Please encourage any students who require literature searching or referencing support to get in contact.
If you would like to discuss teaching support that can be provided by the library, please contact your subject librarian:
Lindsey Crush: l.crush@norwichuni.ac.uk (full-time) Acting, Animation, FMIP, Fine Art, Games Art and Design, Games Development, Photography
Lauren Elmore: l.elmore@norwichuni.ac.uk (full-time) Integrated Foundation, MA
Kirsten Pairpoint: k.pairpoint@norwichuni.ac.uk (Weds pm, Thurs, Friday) Graphics (all courses), Illustration, PhD support
Beccy Western: b.western@norwichuni.ac.uk (Monday, Tuesday, Weds am) Architecture, FCP, FMP, Fashion, Interior Design, Textile Design
Library as an exhibition space
We regularly open the library up as an exhibition space. Course groups are encouraged to use any area of the library to display their work.
Along with the main library space, we also have bookable vitrines available for items to be displayed in. If you would like to book the vitrines email library@norwichuni.ac.uk.
Below are images from Bibliotheca Interpellations, an exhibition from our MA Fine Art students.