Welcome to Study Skills
- Study Skills is available to both BA and MA students.
- You can access support at any point of the academic year.
- We are Sara Erskine (Study Skills Manager) and Lizzie Kimbley (Study Skills Tutor).
- Watch the video below to find out more.
What are Study Skills?
These can include:
- understanding assignment briefs
- time management and organisation
- effective reading
- note-taking
- critical thinking
- reflection
- presentations
- academic writing
How can I access support?
- These pages contain guidance on a range of skills.
- Look out for the blue boxes that contain downloadable Study Skills guides.
- Book a tutorial with Sara Erskine or Lizzie Kimbley via the Study Skills VLE page (opens in a new window).
- You can be at any stage of an assignment. Turn up with questions, notes, mind maps or draft writing.
- Attend tutorials either alone or in small groups of up to 3.
Workshops and drop-ins:
- Sign-up workshops run throughout the academic year.
- Click the blue box below to see the full programme.
- Also watch out for announcements of other events via the VLE and social media.
What areas could you develop?
- Complete the skills audit below to find out more.
See this list of handy eBooks about studying at university: https://tinyurl.com/vt4qpbx